How To Remove Henna Stains From Walls: 8 ways (with proven solution)

Categorized as Hair Care

Last Updated on March 27, 2022 by Rei

So you’re coloring your hair with all kinds of pretty colors, blue, green, red, or pink! Then, you look back, and there it is!

Now your wall matched the color of your hair.

So what can you do when you got some henna or hair dye on your wall? Well, you’re in luck because I have 8 possible solutions you can try to remove those stubborn stains.

To save you some time, here are the things you can do when you want to remove the henna stains on your wall:

  • Wipe it while it’s still wet
  • Use some magic eraser
  • Rubbing alcohol and cloth
  • Bleach with paper towels
  • Use nail polish remover or acetone
  • Try to use toothpaste
  • Vinegar
  • Lava soap

If your still interested in the details, read along and I’ll explain in detail how exactly I remove henna from my wall whenever I’m coloring my hair.

So without further ado, lets get started.

Table of contents

  1. Wipe it while it’s still wet!
  2. Magic Eraser
  3. Bleach
  4. Rubbing alcohol
  5. Nail polish remover
  6. Vinegar
  7. Lava soap
  8. Toothpaste
  9. Summary

Wipe it while it’s still wet!

Wipe the henna on walls while it's still wet
Wipe the henna stains on walls while it’s still wet

You know that saying prevention is better than the cure? Wiping the henna stains quickly while the stain is still wet is the best way to go.

I know most of you reading this already has dried hair dye on your walls.

I just want to make sure. If yours is already dried you could try the next one:

Magic Eraser

You can use magic eraser when removing henna stains on your walls

Magic eraser is another great option when you want to remove hair dye stains on your wall, in fact, almost any stains can be removed by this MAGIC eraser.

Magic erasers are a sponge that’s made from melamine. In the past, it’s mainly used as an insulation and soundproofing material.

It works because the magic eraser’s microstructure is almost as hard as glass, causing it to act as ultra-fine sandpaper on those stubborn stains.


You can use bleach when removing henna on your walls
You can use bleach when removing henna stains on your walls

Another option is bleach. Bleach is probably the best option in this list because almost all of us have one at home.

Any brand of bleach should work. If yours somehow doesn’t, try leaving it for a few minutes before wiping.

Rubbing alcohol

You can use rubbing alcohol when removing henna on your walls
You can use rubbing alcohol when removing henna stains on your walls

Rubbing alcohol is another great option for removing henna stains. Just get a microfibre cloth and spray some rubbing alcohol.

It’s even better if you have a rubbing alcohol with higher concentrations.

But if not, it doesn’t hurt to try using what you have right now. Alcohol would work better the fresher the henna stain.

Nail polish remover

You can use nail polish remover when removing henna on your walls
You can use nail polish remover when removing henna stains on your walls

Another option is nail polish remover. Just check whether your nail polish remover is acetone-based because otherwise, it wouldn’t work as well as acetone-based.

Acetone or nail polish remover works by dissolving the film of stain on your walls, making it easier to wipe.


You can use vinegar when removing henna on your walls
You can use vinegar when removing henna stains on your walls

Mixing half a cup of white vinegar with warm water in a bucket can remove hair dye stains on your wall. Just dip a towel in the vinegar mix then rub the henna stains out of your walls.

If the henna stains are left for a long time or the vinegar + water mixture is not working, you might need to do an extra wipe of water + dish soap after leaving the vinegar solution for a few minutes.

Lava soap

You can use lava soap when removing henna stains on your walls

Lava soap is a heavy-duty hand cleaner used to remove oils and stains. While it’s mainly used for hands, it also works well for cleaning stains on your walls.

Just dip a towel in water and apply a little bit of lava soap, then wipe until the stains are removed. Alternatively, you can leave the soap for a few minutes and then wipe it with water.


You can use toothpaste when removing henna on your walls
You can use toothpaste when removing henna stains on your walls

Toothpaste and some old toothbrush can also be used to remove henna stains on your walls. For better results, use toothpaste that’s used for removing tooth stains.

Just put a little bit of toothpaste on the henna stains and leave for a few minutes. Then, brush with an old toothbrush or a towel dipped in water.


Removing henna stains from your wall can be easily removed with rubbing alcohol if the stains are still fresh.

If the stains are older, you can try different household items that are specifically used to remove stains like acetone-based nail polish remover or bleach.

Another option is a magic eraser. It works because the magic eraser’s microstructure is almost as hard as glass, causing it to act as ultra-fine sandpaper on those stubborn stains.

You could also try using vinegar and water. Just mix one cup of vinegar and warm water. Leave the vinegar on the henna stains for a couple of minutes before wiping for best results.

Finally, toothpaste and an old toothbrush can also be used to remove henna stains. Just leave the toothpaste on the stains for a few minutes then brush with an old toothbrush. For best results, find a toothpaste that removes stains on teeth.

By Rei Garnet

I've been a hairstylist and worked for salons for over 8 years and I want to share my passion and knowledge with a wider audience. My goal is to give everyone the best hair they could possibly have.